Phenolic Resins
Phenolic Resin Sheet

Product outline

Phenolic resin sheet has high heat resistance, good adhesive property to fillers and high char yield as well as ordinary phenolic resin. It can be used as adhesives for various materials and effective for long storage and decreasing VOC compared to liquid type.



Original feature of Phenolic resin

✔ Thermosetting

✔ Adhesion

✔ Heat resistance

✔ High char yield

Additional feature of sheet

✔ Long-life storage

✔ Less VOC

Example of usage

Example of usage

Technical Data

Adhesive shear strength

Adhesive shear strength
  • Adhesive strength can be maintained even after 250°C treatment.
  • Adhesive performs well for 1 year when stored at 10°C or for 3 months stored at 30°C.



Melt & Cure behavior

Melt and Cure behavior
  • melt at 60-80°C.
  • cure over 120°C.

Char yield

Char yield
  • Char yield is 3 times larger than epoxy resin sheet.

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