Detailed Data Related to Sustainability (Society)

Human Rights

Coverage Result
Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Training on Human Rights
Number of participants in business and human rights training
Domestic Group companies*1 3,543
Training on Human Rights
Number of participants in harassment prevention training
Domestic Group companies*1 3,559 3,500
  • *1 Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. and companies located in Japan of which Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the voting rights. Officers and employees of the domestic Group companies and employees temporarily assigned from Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. to Group companies overseas are also included.

Sustainable Procurement

Coverage Result (Target)
Fiscal 2022 Fiscal 2023
Sustainable procurement rate (%)*1, *2 Group*3 82% (≧85%)
  • *1 Among the major suppliers accounting for the top 90% of raw material purchases by segment, the percentage of suppliers whose responses to the sustainable procurement questionnaire meet the specified criteria.
  • *2 The sustainable procurement questionnaire is conducted in using the “Responsible Business Conduct Guidelines / Self-Assessment Questionnaire Detailed Version” developed by JEITA (Japan Electronics and Information Technology Industries Association). The self-evaluation therein was conducted in nine areas with each item rated on a 100-point scale: “1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations and Respect to International Norms, 2. Human Rights and Labor, 3. Health and Safety, 4. Environment, 5. Fair Trade and Ethics, 6. Quality and Safety, 7. Information Security, 8. Business Continuity Plan, and 9. Establishment of Management System.” Based on the result of this survey, we requested 16 target suppliers whose responses include items that fall below the prescribed criteria to make improvements.
  • *3 Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. and the companies of which Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the voting rights
Coverage Mineral Result (Target)
Fiscal 2023 Fiscal 2024
Responsible Mineral Sourcing
Survey Results
Group*1 3TG
Number of raw materials/parts 34 -
CMRT response rate 100%
(16/16 companies)
conformant smelters*2
(101/101 locations)
Tin Number of raw materials/parts 31 -
CMRT response rate 100%
(13/13 companies)
conformant smelters*2
(98/98 locations)
Tantalum Number of raw materials/parts 0 -
CMRT response rate - -
conformant smelters*2
- -
Tungsten Number of raw materials/parts 2 -
CMRT response rate 100%
(2/2 companies)
conformant smelters*2
(2/2 locations)
Gold Number of raw materials/parts 1 -
CMRT response rate 100%
(1/1 company)
conformant smelters*2
(1/1 location)
Responsible Mineral Sourcing
Survey Results
Cobalt, Mica
Group*1 Cobalt Number of raw materials/parts 4 -
EMRT response rate 100%
(4/4 companies)
Mica Number of raw materials/parts 4 -
EMRT response rate 100%
(4/4 companies)
  • *1 Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. and the companies of which Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd. directly or indirectly holds more than 50% of the voting rights (Vaupell Holdings Inc. and its subsidiaries, Hokkai Taiyo Plastic Co., Ltd., and S.B. Techno Plastics Co., Ltd. were excluded in the fiscal 2023 survey)
  • *2 RMAP: Responsible Minerals Assurance Process
    RMAP conformant smelter usage rate = Number of RMAP Conformant Smelters / Total smelters x 100
    Multiple smelters/refiners may be used for the same supplier and raw materials.