Phenolic Resins
Lignin Modified Phenolic Resin

Overview of product

Lignin Modified Phenolic Resin

A new phenolic resin by using non-edible biomass which has comparable high strength and heat Resistance to oil-based phenol resins

The product is produced by using Lignin which is non-edible biomass. Lignin modified resin shows comparable workability and performance to conventional oil-based phenol resins. Furthermore the resin shows unique property in specific application.
We'd like to apply Lignin modified phenol resin for various phenol resin field.

  • *1: This development utilizes results obtained from a project commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization (NEDO).

Technical data

Solid novolak (flake)

Item No. Note Biomass
Softening Poing
Free Phenol
PR-X20108 Lignin modified 25-40 125 < 1.0
PR-X20109 Lignin modified 25-40 117 < 1.0
PR-X21085 Multi modified 40-60 110 < 1.0


  • PR-X21085 is a special modified resin for particular application and we need to verify commercial productivity.
  • This may change in future development.
  • The value is representative.

solid novolak (powder)

Item No. Note Flow
125℃, mm
Gelation Time
165℃, sec
Free Phenol
PR-X20068 Lignin modified 12 29 < 1.0
PR-X20084 Lignin modified 22 26 < 1.0


  • This may change in future development.
  • The value is representative.

Liquid resole

Item No. Note Viscosity
pH Free
Formaldehyde (%)
Free Phenol
PR-X20048 Lignin modified 500 < 10 < 0.1 < 1.0


  • We can provide liquid resole with various resin property including viscosity. We also can provide lower monomer type.
  • This may change in future development.
  • The value is representative.

The above is an example. We propose resins suitable for each application.


Friction material

✔ Flexibility

✔ High heat resistance

Friction property

  Non-modified Lignin-modified
Porosity (%) 17.1 17.2
Hardness (HRR) 77 53
Flexural strength (r.t., MPa) 34.8 24.0
Flexural strength after 350℃
2.3 2.7

Molded material

✔ High strength

✔ High heat resistance

Molded material property

  Non-modified Lignin-modified
Strength (Ratio) 100 123
Strength at high temp. (Ratio) 100 117
Impact resistance (Ratio) 100 117
Insulation resistance (Order) 1011 1011
Liner expansion (ppm) 26 28
  • The value is representative.

Rubber reinforcing

✔ Balanced property

✔ High biomass ratio

Rubber (NR/CB) property

  Non-modified Cashew-modified Lignin-modified
Biomass ratio (Ratio) 0 ~40 45~60
Mooney viscosity (Ratio) 100 90 90
Hardness (Ratio) 100 110 105
Modulus ((Ratio) 100 180 130
Low energy loss (Ratio) 100 85 100
  • The value is representative.


✔ Flame resistance

✔ High biomass ratio

Glass cloth laminate property

  Non-modified Lignin-modified
Appearance Light yellow Dark brown
Impregnation good good
Burning test V-0 V-0

Impregnated paper property

✔ Comparable function to non-modified resole

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