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News from the S-BIO Business Division, Sumitomo Bakelite Co. Ltd.
Introduction of Research
Paper Using PrimeSurface™
〜Study on the Effects of Oxidative and Inflammatory Stress in Osteoarthritis〜

This month, we would like to introduce a paper published in scientific reports:
Comparison of the effects of oxidative and inflammatory stresses on rat chondrocyte senescence.

Osteoarthritis (OA), which is common in middle-aged and older adults, occurs when the bone, cartilage, and other tissues that make up joints degenerate and become deformed. Chondrocyte senescence is an important factor in the onset and progression of OA. In this study, the effects of oxidative and inflammatory stresses on cartilage cell aging using rat chondrocytes were compared.

PrimeSurface 96U plates were used to form 3D spheroids of rat chondrocytes. Oxidative and inflammatory stresses were added before or after spheroid formation, and the extracellular matrix (ECM) production and degradation of chondrocytes were evaluated. Oxidative stress suppressed cell proliferation and decreased ECM production, while inflammatory stress increased gene expression of SASP (senescence-associated secretory phenotype) factor and enhanced ECM degradation.

From this study it is suggested that oxidative stress and inflammatory stress have different effects on rat chondrocyte senescence and inflammatory stress, rather than oxidative stress, is the primary trigger of SASP in OA.

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News about S-BIO.

CSAHi- MPS Team Hands-On Seminar

We participated in the 2nd Hands-On Seminar organized by the Consortium for Safety Assessment using Human iPS Cells (CSAHi) MPS (Microphysiological Systems) team on August 2. It was aimed at the use of MPS for safety assessment in drug discovery research and we had the opportunity to introduce our MPS-related products.

The seminar was a great success, and nearly 40 people visited our Hands-On exhibit, and we received feedback from a variety of perspectives, ranging from usage questions to advice on developing applications we had not anticipated.

Hearing firsthand feedback from users and competitors in such an environment is extremely beneficial for our product development and leads to our own learning. We will continue to actively participate in events like this one to improve our products and applications. We also plan to organize events to promote the use of MPS in drug discovery.


Thank you for reading S-BIO Insight, I am Inoue from the S-Bio Business Division.
The mornings and evenings are finally getting a little cooler. I went for an evening walk thinking it would be pleasant, but there were mosquitoes everywhere outside. Mosquitoes don't like hot weather either.

I am now working remotely 2-3 times a week. It is very helpful to be able to effectively use my commuting time to do things at home, but I tend to lack exercise. So the other day, I went to an aroma massage for the first time. After the treatment, my body felt very light. I realized that it is important to move your body and relax your muscles.

The paper for this month is about cartilage aging. As we get older, the metabolism of cartilage also declines, so I decided to pay attention to my posture and the way I walk from now on.

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Published by: S-Bio Business Department, Sumitomo Bakelite Co., Ltd.
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